Latent Heat of Vaporization
Water depths can also be expressed in terms of energy received per unit area. Two common forms of latent heat are latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporization. Latentheat2 Png 725 939 Pixels Latent Heat Heat Transfer Science Learn Physics The heat of vaporization diminishes. . The best example is an ice cube. In the figure given above the liquid is converting into vapour by heatingParticles of water vapour at 100C 373K have more. The enthalpy of vaporization is a function of. This energy breaks down the intermolecular attractive forces and also must provide the energy necessary to expand the gas the pΔV work. Similarly the latent heat of vaporization or evaporation L v is the heat that has to be given to a unit mass of material to convert it from the liquid to the vapor phase without a change in temperature. A chart that shows the latent heat of vaporization and specific heat of liquid methanol. A...